Setting up a business: Good to know
Hamburg offers ideal conditions for people who want to start a business: economic potential and a high quality of life make Hamburg one of the most dynamic economic regions in Europe. In this article you will find initial information on the topic of setting up a business, helpful links for further information and advice options in Hamburg.
Types of businesses
In Germany, you can set up a business in two ways: you can either be self-employed by registering a business or work as a freelancer. The decision as to whether you want to start a business or work as a freelancer has a significant influence on the necessary steps and the applicable legal framework. If you need more information to classify your project, the information on the Make it in Germany website will help you to distinguish between the two. You can also read about the five most important steps for starting a business there.
The guide “Starting a Business in Germany” (in German only) from RKW Kompetenzzentrum was compiled specifically for immigrants and guides you step by step through the founding process. The start-up portal of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action also provides you with start-up knowledge and guides you through the various phases on the way to self-employment.
Financing and funding programmes
Under certain circumstances, your start-up can be subsidized by the state. The “Förderlotsen” (funding guides) at the IFB-Beratungscenter Wirtschaft (in German only) will be happy to provide you with information about all of Hamburg's funding programs, as well as the most important federal and EU programmes.
Make it in Germany has compiled further information on financing and funding programmes that are available when setting up your business.
Residence permit
Make sure that your residence permit allows you to start a business or work as a self-employed person. If this is not the case or you are unsure, you can contact the Legal Counseling and Clearing Office for Foreign Nationals at the Hamburg Welcome Center.
Nationals of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland are generally treated the same as German citizens and enjoy unrestricted freedom of movement. They therefore do not require a separate residence permit.
Social insurance
Social insurance serves to provide social security for our society and includes health insurance, long-term care insurance, accident insurance, unemployment insurance and pension insurance. As a rule, all employees whose income exceeds the earnings limit for mini-jobs (as of 2024: 538 euros per month) are subject to social security contributions. However, special regulations apply to company owners, self-employed people and freelancers. Before setting up your business, seek comprehensive advice on the conditions that apply to you. You can find possible points of contact under the heading “Contacts and Advice Centers”.
Contacts and Advice Centers
There are numerous advisory services in Hamburg for prospective founders. Possible points of contact include the following institutions:
hei. Hamburger ExistenzgründungsInitiative
The hei. Hamburger ExistenzgründungsInitiative offers general initial advice and supports you on your way to self-employment.
Handelskammer Hamburg (Chamber of Commerce)
The Chamber of Commerce provides a wide range of information (in German only) for those interested in setting up a business in the commercial sector (excluding crafts) in Hamburg. You can also request an appointment for initial advice or contact the “Migrant Businesses” department (in English).
Handwerkskammer Hamburg (Chamber of Skilled Crafts)
When setting up your own craft business, many questions arise. The start-up advice service at the Chamber of Skilled Crafts can help with clarifying your questions.
Business Services from Hamburg Invest
Hamburg Invest offers you a wide range of services and advice.
Zentren für Wirtschaftsförderung, Bauen und Umwelt (Centers for Economic Development, Construction and Environment)
The Centers for Economic Development, Construction and Environment of the Hamburg district offices are the local points of contact for many of the administrative tasks that a company founder has to complete. You can also get advice there. The contact details of the Centers for Economic Development, Construction and Environment can be found on the website of the Hamburg Service.
Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency)
The Employment Agency provides unemployed people with information (in German only) on setting up a business and on the “Gründungszuschuss“ (start-up grant). For more in-depth advice, the Employment Agency puts you in touch with chambers, associations or start-up centers that can provide you with targeted support for your project. Find out more on the website of the Employment Agency and make an appointment with your local employment agency.
Hamburger Kreativgesellschaft
Anyone who would like to start up in the creative industries can get advice from the Hamburger Kreaktivgesellschaft.