Job search

Job search in Hamburg

The labour market in Hamburg is very attractive for qualified specialists from abroad and opens up first-class opportunities. We will show you various ways in which you can look for work. You will also gain an insight into the application process.

Information for foreign skilled workers

Ein Mann im Anzug sitzt auf einer Treppe an der Elbe. Ein Frachtschiff fährt vorbei.
© Christian O. Bruch
Job search

Information for foreign skilled workers

Hamburg’s job market provides first-class opportunities and is a tantalizing attraction for qualified specialists from abroad. Luckily, there are simplified residence regulations for skilled workers.


Find available jobs

Eine Frau wird zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch begrüßt.
© djrandco
Job search

Search and find job vacancies

We will inform you about the various options for finding a job in Hamburg.

Ein Mann mit Brille hat seinen Laptop auf dem Schoß. Er reckt die Arme in die Luft und freut sich.
© olly
Job search

Working for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Jobs as colorful as life itself - Find your new job with meaning in one of over 300 professions at the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (website in German).

Personen in Business-Kleidung steht nebeneinander, lächeln und halten den Daumen hoch.
© Fotolia: drubig-photo
Job search

Job newsletter

Are you looking for a new job? Then take a peek at our job newsletter. We will be happy to put you in touch with the companies if you find an offer interesting.


Job application and internships

Zwei Personen schütteln die Hände.
© Fotolia: pressmaster
Job search

Apply for a Job

Job application is a formal affair in Germany. Find out which documents to include, how to draft up a German CV and much more.

Eine Frau erklärt stehend einem Kollegen etwas, dieser sitzt am Tisch vor einem Laptop
Job search


Not only can an internship help you choose the right job, it can also demonstrate your reliability and skills as an employee to potential employers. If you’re lucky, an internship can even lead to a training contract or employment.
