Looking for Skilled Workers? Information for Employers
The IQ Project’s Unternehmensservice Fachkräfte is an independent service that helps small and medium-sized enterprises in Hamburg looking for international skilled workers.

About Us
The IQ Project’s Unternehmensservice Fachkräfte is a service for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking for international skilled workers. The aim is to provide and secure long-term skilled labour for Hamburg SMEs by recruiting and integrating international skilled workers.
Our Services
We advise SMEs in Hamburg on how to recruit skilled workers abroad.
Please contact us if you need support with any of the following topics:
- recruiting international skilled workers from abroad
- applying for entry or work permits
- further qualification and German language courses for international skilled workers
- intercultural training of your workers
- long-term acquisition of international skilled workers for your business
- help with the overall process
We provide an all-round service. That means we offer individual support throughout the entire process: from the recruitment of international skilled workers to their integration in the company, we are there as your direct contact persons.
You benefit from our location within the Hamburg Welcome Center (HWC). Here we are perfectly connected to all relevant official institutions, the job market and many counselling services.
All institutions responsible for job market integration are represented here in one place, e.g.
- residency permits for international skilled workers
- entry permits and visas
- quick procedures for international skilled workers
On-site dovetailing allows for short distances: problems can be prevented and solved more easily.
Contact Information
We advise you individually and based on your needs.
The consultation is confidential and free of charge. Consultation can be provided by telephone, video conference, e-mail or in person at the Hamburg Welcome Center (HWC) - but also at your premises.
Phone: +49 040 428 39 - 5525 / -5431
Email: unternehmen@welcome.hamburg.de
Monday to Thursday 9 am to 4 pm
Friday 9 am to noon
Hamburg Welcome Center
Süderstraße 32b
20097 Hamburg
Show directions
Our Sponsors
The project "Unternehmensservice Fachkräfte" is an offer in the funding program "Integration through Qualification (IQ)", which aims to sustainably improve the labor market integration of adults with a migration background. The program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) and administered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Partners in the implementation are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Employment Agency.

Or do you have a different inquiry?
Please contact our Welcome Desk. We will take your request and forward it to the responsible contact person.