Companies and employers

Services for companies and employers

Looking for a professional?

We can help you fill vacancies and provide you with specialists from our pool of applicants.

If you are interested in working with us, please contact us!

Do you have questions about recruiting international staff both from within Germany and abroad?

We will be glad to help you!

Our topics

Recruitment of domestic skilled workers

We support companies in their search for skilled workers and trainees.

Are you looking for qualified and committed specialists or trainees for your company? If so, we can help you!

The Hamburg Welcome Center offers a variety of services for companies in this area. Among other things, we support you on the following topics:

  • Recruitment of immigrant professionals and trainees domestically
  • Employment opportunities and residence issues
  • Integration of new employees into the workplace

We put you in contact with interested applicants and organize an applicant day for your company if required.

We will gladly accompany you individually and need-oriented during the entire process.

Recruiting skilled workers from abroad

Finding skilled workers and trainees in Germany is not always easy. This is precisely why it is worth looking abroad, as international skilled workers offer great potential.

The advantages are obvious: not only do they bring international experience, specialist knowledge and a high level of commitment, but they can also have a positive impact on the company through different perspectives and innovative approaches to solutions.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular can benefit from this and, with appropriate advice and preparation, attract qualified specialists abroad - even "expedited "!

The Hamburg Welcome Center offers a variety of services for companies in this area. Among other things, we support you on the following topics:

  • Recruitment of skilled workers abroad
  • Residence regulations, immigration procedures
  • Accelerated procedure for skilled workers
  • Post-qualification opportunities and language acquisition
  • Intercultural training of your workforce and integration into your company

The Hamburg Welcome Center is happy to support you in recruiting skilled workers abroad!

Consultation about residence law for foreigners

Do you have questions about how the current right of residence affects your individual situation and your access to the German labor market? If so, you can make use of our immigration law advisory service.

We provide legal advice on immigration law, especially on perspectives for access to the German labor market, according to the basic guidelines of the Department of the Interior and Sports (BIS). We primarily advise companies, migrants and immigrants living here, as well as volunteers and other institutions on the following topics:

  • Residence status
  • General questions on the right of residence
  • Employment opportunities (e.g. change of the employer)
  • Employment permit procedure
  • Possibilities of a change of residence

More about the Legal Counseling and Clearing Office for Foreign Nationals


Eine Gruppe von Männern und Frauen steht zusammen und unterhält sich.
© Förderprogramm IQ / Kathrin Jegen
Online event | 25.02.2025

Recruiting skilled workers abroad - Mission (im)possible?

The IQ project "Unternehmensservice Fachkräfte" informs Hamburg companies about the requirements for hiring international skilled workers and support options. The event will be held in German.

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Flyer for companies and employers