Language Schools in Hamburg
Good language skills will make your new start in Germany significantly easier. That’s why many newcomers attend a language school.
If you'd like to improve your German skills in a classroom setting, language schools are the right solution for you. Depending on your level and available hours, you'll find that there are many options in Hamburg to choose from. Please note that only certain language certificates are recognised when applying for a visa or a residence permit. More information can be found here: Proof of German language knowledge.
Adult Education Centre (Hamburger Volkshochschule)
This public adult education institution offers numerous courses on all kinds of subjects, including courses in German as a Foreign Language (also available as online courses). The courses are usually scheduled in the evening and available at a very reasonable fee.
Hamburger Volkshochschule
Schanzenstraße 77
20357 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (40) 42841-3238
Fax: +49 (40) 42841-3033
Other Language Schools
Courses are offered in a variety of different locations and levels throughout Hamburg. You can use the Hamburger Kursportal WISY to find the right course.