Kids and family

Kids and family

Here you will find information for your life as a family in Hamburg: from childcare to the school system to financial aid and counselling options.


Eine Mutter hält ihren Säugling in die Luft und schaut ihm ins Gesicht-
© #8
Kids and family

Protection of working mothers

Maternity protection protects women who are pregnant while employed or breastfeeding their child. It is also intended to protect the baby, both before and after birth. Find out more on the pages of the BMFSFJ family portal.

Eine Mutter hat ihren Säugling auf dem Arm. Der Vater sitzt eng bei ihnen.
© Fotolia: Boggy
Kids and family

Parental leave

You can take parental leave after the birth of your child. This is a period in which you look after your child yourself and therefore take unpaid leave from your job. Find out more on the website of handbook Germany.

Kinder liegen im Sonnenschein auf einer Wiese
© Fotolia: Robert Kneschke
Daycare in Hamburg


Hamburg is a family-friendly city. Find out what your options are, how to get a place at a daycare facility and apply for a daycare voucher.


School in Hamburg

Gruppe von Grundschulkindern, die in einem Schulflur laufen.
© Monkey Business Images
Hamburg Welcome Portal

Compulsory Schooling

From the age of 6, all children are obliged to attend school. Parents are responsible for enroling their children in school on time.

Schüler der weiterführenden Schule und ihr Lehrer vor einem Laptop und Notizen.
© Fotolia: Halfpoint

Hamburg School Structure

All students start school by attending primary school. Afterwards, they can enrol in different types of secondary schools.

Schulkinder sitzen nebeneinander mit Stift in der Hand und Papier vor sich.
© Africa Studio

Necessary Language Skills

Children whose German language skills aren't sufficient yet to attend regular school will receive intensive German lessons prior to enrolment.

Porträt eines lächelnden Schuljungen, der seine Hausaufgaben in einem Klassenzimmer in der Schule macht
© wavebreakmedia

Bilingual Classes

In Hamburg, your child has the opportunity to attend a bilingual class where students are educated in two languages from day one.

Schild beim Eingang zum SIZ.
© Matthias Hase

School Information Centre

The centre provides information and advice for parents, pupils and interested persons on all questions concerning school in Hamburg.

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Finances and family

Vater mit Säugling
© #821
Kids and family

Parental Allowance

Parents of infants and toddlers can receive parental allowance for raising and caring for their children. Find out more in the BMFSFJ brochure.

kleines Mädchen spielt mit Münzen, indem es sie stapelt.
© A3pfamily
Kids and family

Child Benefit and Child Supplement

Child benefit and child supplement provide families with financial support for raising their children. The Familienkasse provides information about the benefits and the requirements.


Counselling and support

Eine dreiköpfige Familie spricht mit einer Frau.
© Fotolia: goodluz
Hamburg Welcome Portal

Counselling & Support

Numerous counselling centres in Hamburg offer parents and children broad support with problems in child-rearing and in the family.
