Bank Account and Taxes

Bank Account and Taxes

Here you will find information about financial matters, such as the tax system in Germany and how to set up a bank account.

Bank Account

Bank Account and Taxes

Setting Up a Bank Account

In Germany, salary payments and other everyday transactions such as rent, insurances and phone bills are handled through a bank account.​​​​​​​



Ein Kalenderblatt, ein Zettel mit dem Wort Tax und ein Taschenrechner.
© Fotolia: mizar_21984
Bank Account and Taxes

Taxation in Germany

There are many different types of taxes in Germany, including income tax, VAT, trade tax and more.

Bild des Wortes "TAX" , jeder Buchstabe steht auf einem Stapel Münzen.
© Mohd Hafizan bin Ilias
Bank Account and Taxes

Tax Classes

As an employee, you have to pay wage tax. The amount of that "Lohnsteuer" depends on your wage and your tax class. Additionally you find information on changing your tax classes here.

Schriftzug Tax mit einer Person, die an einem weißen Tisch sitzt und einen Laptop benutzt.
© Tierney
Bank Account and Taxes

Tax Identification Number

Every person registered in Germany receives a tax identification number to ensure their unique identification within the tax system.

Junge Frau, die ihr Haushaltsbudget verwaltet, sitzt am Küchentisch mit aufgeklapptem Laptop, Dokumenten und Taschenrechner, benutzt das Touchpad und macht Notizen mit Bleistift.
© Damir
Bank Account and Taxes

Tax Return

Most people who earn money in Germany are subject to income tax, but not everyone needs to file a tax return.

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