Legal Counseling and Clearing Office for Foreign Nationals
We answer your questions regarding rights of residence or employment.
About Us
Immigration law consultation can of course be helpful on legal issues regarding immigration, and in particular when it comes to prospects for accessing the German labour market, in accordance with the basic requirements of the Authority for Internal Affairs and Sport (Behörde für Inneres und Sport or ‘BIS’).
Our Services
Mainly, we advise migrants living in Hamburg, companies, volunteers, and other institutions on the following topics:
- residence status
- general questions regarding residence law
- employment opportunities (e.g. employer loyalty)
- employment permit procedures
- the possibility of changing residence
In individual cases, we also support the cooperation between the participating partners: the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge or ‘BAMF’), labor administration, BIS and local foreigners' offices with the aim of facilitating integration into the labour market within the existing legal framework.
Information on the requirements for residence permits and which documents and proofs are necessary can be found on our pages on the subject of residence.
Contact Information
We ask preferably to contact us by e-mail:
Telephone consultation hours (other appointments possible by prior e-mail arrangement):
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 pm to 3 pm
Wednesday and Friday 10 am to 12 pm
Phone: 040 42839 – 2000
We currently offer consultations via Skype or telephone.
If you have concerns that require the exchange of personal data, please use the declaration of consent that can be found in the download area.
Hamburg Welcome Center
Süderstraße 32 b
20097 Hamburg
Show directions
Or do you have a different inquiry?
Please contact our Welcome Desk. We will take your request and forward it to the responsible contact person.