Persons from third countries (outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland) can apply for a residence permit for a long-term stay in Hamburg. There are different residence permits and requirements depending on the purpose of the stay.
Citizens of the EU, EEA and Switzerland enjoy freedom of movement in Germany and have the right to enter and reside in Germany.
Foreign nationals with a university degree or similar qualification who wish to work in Germany may apply for an EU Blue Card, which grants extended rights and benefits and makes fulfilling the conditions for a long-term stay in Germany simpler.
If you want to live and work in Germany, you need a residence permit with a work permit.
You can apply for a job seeker's residence permit if you hold an accredited degree and wish to find qualified employment in Germany.
You want to set up a business in Germany as a foreign national? Get the right permit.
Foreign nationals who are planning to work as a researcher in Germany should apply for a residence permit that states this purpose.
The ICT Card is a supplementary residence permit to facilitate intra-corporate transfers of third-country nationals and intra-European mobility.
Would you like to work in Germany as a professional from abroad, but you do not have (full) recognition of your foreign qualifications for a residence permit for employment? Then, under certain conditions, you may be eligible for a residence permit for the recognition of professional qualifications.
Foreigners who have been tolerated for many years (through a 'Duldung') are to be given more chances to obtain a right to stay in Germany in the future ('Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht').
If you're a foreign national planning to study in Germany, you'll need a residence permit that states this purpose. Find out how to apply.
If you start vocational training in Germany, you will need a residence permit for the purpose of vocational training.
When is it possible to stay in Germany to do a language course? Find out here.
A settlement permit entitles the holder to unlimited residence and employment in Germany. It can only be issued under certain conditions.
Foreign nationals with the permanent EC resident status enjoy greater mobility options inside and outside the European Union.
Apply for German citizenship and enjoy the right to vote, consular protection and unrestricted access to the labour market.