Hamburg Welcome Center (English)

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Hamburg Employment Agency

Information and advice on work and training with a focus on refugees and migration.

Das Logo der Bundesagentur für Arbeit
© Bundesagentur für Arbeit

About Us

We are the Hamburg Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) team specialising in the subjects of refugees and migration.

Our Services

  • Recording of school education, training and professional curriculum vitae, as well as formal and non-formal skills
  • Advice for job seekers and those in search of training opportunities, as well as for unemployed persons
  • Advice on starting work and job market qualifications
  • Targeted advice according to labour market-related factors
  • Job placements subject to social security contributions in cooperation with the Hamburg Employer Services (Arbeitgeber-Service Hamburg)
  • Promotion of customers insofar as is necessary for integration into work or training in an agreed upon job description, in particular in job-related German courses (DeuFÖV); funding requirements must be met
  • Referral advice to internal and external partners

Contact Information

Our office hours without appointment are
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

If you have documents, please bring them to your first appointment:

  • Your resume (with start and end dates).
  • Proof of work certificates of work/study
  • Language certificates

Hamburg Welcome Center
Süderstraße 32 b
20097 Hamburg

Show directions

Please contact our team if you have any questions:

Or do you have a different inquiry?

Please contact our Welcome Desk. We will take your request and forward it to the responsible contact person.